jQuery Filter on the Table - jquery-fott.js v0.1.0

Let fott handle on screen value filter, handling each field with each column


Fott (Filter on the table), is a jQuery plugin that adds a <input type="text"> element to <th> selected.

It searches for inner html of an element with .filter-value and compare with inputted value.

It was tested with 3000 rows, but it is safer to use below than 1000, depending on the number of columns.

Getting started

As a jQuery plugin, you must include jQuery 1.7.0+ to your project then include fott.

<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.0.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/fott.min.js"></script>

To active input fields, you should select a <th> and set fieldFilter value to cell class that has the expected value:


<th class="filterid">ID</th>
<th class="filtername">Name</th>

$('.filterid').fott({fieldFilter: 'account-id'});

Fott will then search for a <td> with class="account-id"

Finding the cell, Fott will then search for a element with class="filter-value". The inner value of this element will be used for filtering. You can also set the <td> itself with class="filter-value", such as:

<td class="account-name filter-value">Some value</td>

NOTE: Fott wraps the new <input> with a <div class="filter">. I suggest you to include the css file as well, although it is not essential for fott.


Example 1 - Default settings (No strict, placeholder as <th> inner value):

ID Name

Example 2 - Strict and placeholder:

strict propriety will force to match only exact content.

placeholder propriety will overwrite default placeholder.

ID Name

Example 3 - Big table, custom input class:

inputClasses can contains any classes you want to add. In this case, form-control and input-md

ID Name


You can download compressed or uncompressed versions of fott:

You can also download, clone and contribute with fott at GitHub


strict: false or true.
Default: false

Sets if content must be exactly as typed or if must only contains the value

wrapperClasses: String
Default: 'filter'

One or more classes of input's wrapper.

wrapperClasses: 'beautiful-wrapper wrapper wrapping'

Avoid to set any value containing filter. Eg: filter-field, filter-wrap.

inputClasses: String
Default: 'input-fott'

One or more classes of input field. This classes will be applied to all inputs.

inputClasses: 'form-control input-medium no-shadow'

Avoid to set any value containing input-fott. Eg: input-fott-md, big-input-fott.

fieldFilter: String
Default: Selected element inner content.

Sets which class identify <td> that has an element with filter-value as class, or <td> itself for future searching and comparison of value.

fieldFilter: 'account-name'

Would match:

<td class="account-name filter-value">Obi-wan</td>
<td class="account-name"><a href="#" class="filter-value">Obi-wan</a></td>
placeholder: String
Default: 'Filter for: ' + inner value of selected <td>

Sets input's placeholder.

placeholder: 'Looking for a jedi?'

Would produce:

<input type="text" class="input-fott" data-fieldfilter="account-name" placeholder="Looking for a jedi?">
table: Element table
Default: <table> element of selected element

Sets a <table> element to provide navigation through rows and cells. By default, fott considers you are using a structure like:

<th>Header 1</th>
<th>Header 2</th>

If you use a different heading structure, you should manually set the <table> element here. Even so, table must have <tbody> or fott won't be able to navigate between rows and cells

table: $('.table-striped')


You can tweet me @latoquita